Alternative power sources at different latitudes in Europe


Daniel, Enrico, Susanne og Marco B.

• The task was to make a water mill out of the material we got from the teachers. The water mill was supposed to make enough electricity to make a diode glow. We were divided into groups of four. Our group consisted of Daniel, Enrico, Susanne and Marco B.

• A water mill works by water power making a turbine rotate, which again makes a dynamo run. The dynamo transforms the motion energy into electric power, which can be used for heat, light and so on.

• Daniel drew a sketch of a water mill he thought would work well. We used parts from an old bike and some aluminium plates to make the mill.

• We started by taking the bike to pieces. The parts we needed were the wheel, the dynamo and the bars attached to the wheel. Daniel welded a turbine out of two circular plates with bended plates between. We attached the turbine to the wheel, to make the wheel rotate when water made the turbine go around. We attached the dynamo in contact with the wheel. We connected the wires from the dynamo to a diode, which was supposed to shine when the wheel rotated.


Picture from the testing of the water mill

• Our group worked well together, despite some language difficulties. Daniel was the natural leader of the group, since he made the drawings.

• The positive thing about our water mill is that it was very solid. The negative part is that the wheel barely rotated! We think this little inconvenience had its cause in too much friction between the wheel and the dynamo. Nevertheless, we saw a little gleam of light, which indicated that our product produced electricity.
