The following exercises may be used as group activities or may be used as individual homework/research activity.  

1. In a world of diminishing resources, smart materials contribute to increase sustainability of goods through improved efficiency and preventive maintenance.

2. Smart materials may offer early detection, automated diagnosis, and even self-repair.

3. Smart materials respond to environmental stimuli with particular changes in some variables. For that reason they are often also called responsive materials.

4. Photochromic materials change irreversibly colour with changes in light intensity.

5. The discovery of the properties of piezoelectric materials dates back to the 20th century.

6. All smart materials incorporate control systems.

provide - counteracting - operate - power - report - integrating- envolopes - limits

The fusion of advanced materials with the ............................ of information technology is providing designers with a new family of engineered materials and structures. By ............................ sensors and actuators within a structural material, so called 'Smart Structures' can ............................ at the very limits of their performance ............................ and to their structural ............................ without fear of exceeding either. Categorised as 'sensory' or 'adaptive', 'smart' structures can ............................ maintenance engineers with a full ............................ on their performance history, as well as the location of defects, whilst also ............................ unwanted or potentially dangerous conditions such as excessive vibration.


C. Summarize in no more than 250 words what you have learnt about smart skis.