Alternative power sources at different latitudes in Europe


Made by : Alice, Jeanette, Gabriele and Simone.

The Project :
At first we were divided into four groups with three persons in each group. Together we were supposed to create and build a watermill. We got to use mostly what we wanted of the things we could find in the workshop. This was things like bicycle wheels, dynamos, steel plates, metal etc. etc.

What we did :
At first we just sat down in the group, planning and discussing the project, and together we made a drawing of our plans. When the drawing was finished, we decided to look around for usable equipment. The equipment we needed was a small wheel made of steel, then we welded small pieces of steel inside to make space for the water. When the water wheel was finished, we welded the sticks to the wheel on each side of it. We fastened the sticks on a standing rack. Together this became our water mill. Then we needed a light bulb, and to get it shine we also needed a dynamo and a thong. So when the wheel started rolling, the thong also rolled and made the light bulb shine.

The group :
The group worked pretty well together, and everybody took part in both the building and the planning. The only weaknesses could be that we had some communication problems with each other because of the different languages.

Weaknesses and strength :
We were very pleased with the finished product, and the testing went very well. The only problems were that the light bulb didn’t shine because of some connection problems.

Alice, Gabriele, Jeannette og Simone

vannmoelle vannmoelle
vannmoelle vannmoelle
