Alternative power sources at different latitudes in Europe


When the project started we got a task to make an watermill. To make this we got some parts that we could use. Before the project we saw a film about how power could be made and what it may be used for. We went to Tafjor Kraft and saw some small things that could help us in our project. At the power plant a guide gave us information about the plant. And we got some ideas for our watermill.

At a watermill water is used to make a wheel of some sort to go around. And a generator transforms the mechanical energy into electrical energy.

When we were going to start the actual building, we sat down and made a small drawing of our construction. We thought about problems and what was important for a good product. We collected the parts we needed for the plant, and the building started. The first we did was to build the water wheel that the water was going to pull. We used an axle, and some plates to make this that we welded together. We added the wheel to the plate. And then the dynamo was added. We connected the wheel and the dynamo. Finally we added a diode to prove that our watermill was working and making power.

The group worked well together, but had some small problems with the languages, because the Italian students had problems with some technical English. And the Italian students did not know how to weld so the Norwegian students did the most of it.

The product worked well. The watermill used the power from the water in a good way. But could easily become even better. Some power got lost in the construction.

vannmill vannmill
vannmill vannmill

